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Rhodri Llywelyn13 Jul 2020 - 20:21

Dan 11 mark the end of their (half) season

Roedd hi’n hyfryd cyfarfod â charfan y Dan 11 yn rhithiol i nodi diwedd y tymor…wel hanner tymor! Peidiwch dweud wrth neb, ond yn ôl pob sôn mi roedd deigryn yn llygad un neu ddau o’r hyfforddwyr cymaint iddyn nhw weld eisiau’r criw yn ystod y cyfnod clo.

Mewn gair o groeso fe eglurodd Rhodri mai’r gêm ddiwethaf i’r Dan 11 chwarae oedd gartref yn erbyn Y Tyllgoed ar yr 8fed o Fawrth. Mae gwallt y plant a boliau’r hyfforddwyr wedi tyfu tipyn ers hynny.

Drwy hud a lledrith Zoom fe ddanfonodd Dafydd bawb bant mewn grwpiau bach i ystafelloedd rhithiol gwahanol er mwyn trafod rhai o uchafbwyntiau eu tymor. Roedd y perfformiadau campus yn erbyn Treganna a Chaerau yn gofiadwy, a’r pasta wedi’r mwd ym Mhentyrch yn arbennig o flasus.

Bu James yn dangos rhai o’i hoff luniau, ac yn hel atgofion am gêm gynta’r tymor ym Mhontyclun lle roedd tywydd braf a thîm cryf yn ein aros. Ry’n ni’n falch iawn i Clwb fynd ymlaen i efelychu safon uchel y gwrthwynebwyr sawl gwaith yn ystod yr ymgyrch.

Yr undod a chyfeillgarwch sydd wedi datblygu rhwng y chwaraewyr grëodd argraff ar Sam. Mae’n gresynu na chafodd y Dan 11 gyfle i adeiladu ar y dechrau addawol i’r tymor. Y taclo digyfaddawd fydd yn aros yng nghof Andrew.

Esboniodd Nick y bydd y tymor nesa’n un pwysig wrth i’r criw yma symud i’r ysgol uwchradd ac at rygbi 15 dyn. Bydd chwarae ar gae llawn yn gweddu gêm agored Clwb, a daeth bloedd fawr gan y chwaraewyr o glywed bod hawl gwneud ‘hand-offs’ o fis Medi ymlaen!

Roedd cymeradwyaeth wresog i’r holl rhieni am eu gwaith ‘cheauffeur’, am olchi kit mwdlyd ac am goginio cwn poeth. Mae’n diolch ni i gyd hefyd i Rhian, ein rheolwraig, am gadw trefn ar bawb.

I’r chwaraewyr mae’r ‘Hip,Hip,Hwre’ mwyaf serch hynny am eich pasio cywir, taclo caled, rhedeg cryf, ochrgamu twyllodrus, jôcs gwael, a direidi cyffredinol. Ry’ch chi werth y byd.

Ewch bant i’r ysgol uwchradd gyda’ch casiau pensil newydd i ledaenu gospel Clwb Rygbi; a phan ddaw’r cyfle cynta’ posib dewch ’nôl atom ni yn chwaraewyr Dan 12 yn barod i fwrw ati unwaith eto.


It was lovely to meet the Dan 11 squad virtually to mark the end of the season…well half a season. Keep this to yourself, but rumour has it that there were a few tears in the eyes of coaches having missed the gang so much.

In a word of welcome Rhodri mentioned that the last match the Dan 11 played was home against Fairwater on the 8th of March. The children's hair and coaches' bellies have grown quite a bit since then.

With a little Zoom magic, Dafydd sent everyone off in smaller groups to separate virtual rooms to discuss their highlights of the season. The stunning performance against Canton and Caerau, and the tasty pasta after the Pentyrch mudbath stood out.

James showed us a few of his favourite photos, and reminisced over the first game of the season at Pontyclun where fine weather and a strong team was waiting for us. We’re really proud that Clwb managed to reach the high standards set by the opponents many times during the campaign.

The unity and friendship that’s developed among the players created an impression on Sam. He regrets hugely that the Dan 11 didn’t get the opportunity to build on such a promising start to the season. The fierce tackling will remain with Andrew for a very long time.

Nick explained that next season will be an important one as this group progress to secondary school and 15-a-side rugby. Playing on a full size pitch should suit our open style of play, and the news that hand-offs are allowed from September was greeted with a huge cheer!

We had a round of applause for all the parents for being cheauffeurs, washing muddy kit and cooking hot dogs. Our big thanks also go to manager Rhian for keeping everyone in check.

But the loudest ‘Hip,Hip,Hooray’ goes to the players for accurate passing, hard tackling, strong running, silky sidesteps, bad jokes and general tomfoolery. You’re all stars.

Go off to your new schools armed with CRCC pencil cases to spread the Clwb Rygbi gospel; and at the first possible opportunity come back to us as Dan 12 players ready to finish what we've started.


Further reading